Facials Filler Bend OR

what are facial fillers?

As facial tissues thin out, lines become etched around the nose and mouth, and cheeks look a little hollow. Facial fillers can replace lost volume and restore a more youthful appearance. Facial fillers are gel-like substances that are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth lines and soften creases, and enhance facial contours.

Facial fillers may be right for you if you would like treatment for:

frequently asked questions

How facial fillers work?

Aging causes your skin to lose elasticity and begin to stretch. Other factors, including sun exposure, lifestyle, and genetics, can reduce skin quality, lines, wrinkles, folds, and loss of youthful facial contours. Dermal fillers provide minimally-invasive cosmetic treatment to minimize the signs of aging and enhance facial appearance.

What can I expect during my treatment?

Dermal filler injections are non-surgical and typically completed during an office visit.

Pre-treatment consultation: We’ll evaluate your area(s) of concern, review your medical history, and discuss your concerns and goals.

Your facial filler treatment: The area will be cleaned and cooled with an ice pack before the actual treatment. You may be given a topical anesthetic to numb the area if needed. Your provider will then inject a precise amount of filler strategically beneath the skin. Depending on the product and the areas treated, you should be able to notice results immediately after receiving filler injections!

How many treatment sessions will I need and how long will the results last?

How long the effects of facial fillers will last and how many treatment sessions you will need depends on the product, the area of treatment, and the patient. Our cosmetic surgeon will discuss these details with you during your consultation.

How are facial fillers different than neuromodulator injections (such as Botox®)?

While neuromodulator injections (such as Botox®) relax the muscles in the face that cause wrinkles, facial fillers add volume by injecting collagen into the treatment area to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and creases. Our professionals will help you choose the right option for you during your initial consultation.

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