Broad Band Light

BBL Hero

If you’re looking for a brighter, smoother, and healthier complexion, Central Oregon Aesthetics has the solution. With Broad Band Light, you can achieve remarkable improvements in conditions such as age spots, Rosacea, redness, acne, spider veins, prematurely aged skin, and uneven texture. Broad Band Light is a powerful IPL device that effectively treats skin conditions caused by aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. The BBL treatment can be used to treat pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, and acne.

The world’s most powerful and versatile IPL device on the market. BBL® HERO™ can now treat large areas such as the back, arms, and legs in as little as 15 minutes, delivering four times the speed, three times the peak power, and two times the cooling. BBL® HERO™ can be used as a targeted treatment for many skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. It is perfect for treating those hard-to-reach areas. Using a combination of a dual lamp, sophisticated cooling capabilities, and uniform delivery of energy makes for an unparalleled experience. Additionally, BBL® HERO™ addresses more than one issue with complexion, including:

At Central Oregon Aesthetics, we provide the following BBL® treatments to meet your aesthetic needs:

There are several applications for BBL and BBL HERO, including:


The BBL HERO is the most powerful and versatile IPL device available in the market. With four times the speed, three times the peak power, and two times the cooling, BBL HERO can quickly treat the face and large areas such as the back, arms, and legs in just 15 minutes.

BBL® HERO™ addresses more than one issue with complexion, including:
• Stimulation of collagen to reduce aging signs
• Reduces freckles and age spots
• Fading small blood vessels and Rosacea
• Reduces acne
• Helps correct sun damage
• Improves skin elasticity and much more…

BBL HERO is the perfect solution to many skin conditions caused by aging, active lifestyles, and sun exposure. It can be used as a targeted treatment for hard-to-reach areas. BBL HERO’s dual lamp, sophisticated cooling capabilities, and uniform energy delivery make it the best choice for a truly unparalleled experience.

Forever Bare- Laser Hair Reduction

Forever Clear BBL


Who is a good candidate for the BBL® HERO™ treatment?

Anyone looking to address skin conditions like age spots, freckles, rosacea, and sun damage. It’s also suitable for those seeking collagen stimulation and skin tightening.

When will I see results after using BBL® HERO™?

Visible improvements are often noticed within a week, with some results appearing over several weeks as the skin rejuvenates.

How long do the results from BBL® HERO™ last?

Results can last several months to a year, depending on the treatment and individual skin type. Periodic follow-ups are recommended.

Is there any downtime or side effects with BBL® HERO™?

Most clients have minimal downtime. Temporary redness or mild swelling might occur but usually subsides within a few hours to days.

What should I do before and after the BBL® HERO™ treatment?

Avoid sun exposure before treatment and use high SPF sunscreen after. Keep skin hydrated and avoid abrasive products post-treatment.

What can I expect during the BBL® HERO™ session?

A warm sensation is felt as the device is used, with each session lasting 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area.

Can BBL be combined with other procedures?

It is possible to combine BBL with Moxi to achieve even better results in correcting damaged skin. BBL and Moxi are an unbeatable duo when it comes to deeply rejuvenating the skin, leaving it looking brighter, tighter, healthier, and more youthful. Additionally, BBL can be combined with other treatments like peels, dermaplaning, and Dysport/Botox to achieve optimal results.

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